To make an appointment or consultation please call:
909-878-2606 or text (909)744-7462
*Please make sure to leave a detailed voicemail of services, day and time you are wanting to get in to get a call back. Calls are often dropped up here so please make sure to leave a voicemail or text if you are unable to get through. During busy seasons, holidays and weekends, we are in high demand and will fill up quickly and be completely booked. Reservations are highly recommended especially for couples or large groups A week or more ahead of time.
*Cash preferred or Zelle. Venmo is an extra $5 fee. We are very close to the ski resorts that cause a lot of reception issues on our phones and just being in the mountains in general. Venmo and Zelle can have issues so please be aware of that and you may need to pull out cash if that issue occurs.
Hours of Operations:
Monday: By appointment only
Tuesday: By appointment only
Wednesday: By appointment only
Thursday: By appointment only
Friday: By appointment only
Saturday: By appointment only
Sunday: By appointment only
*Evenings by appointment only